2345首页 » 动物百科 » 红背狭顶叶蝉

所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 昆虫纲 » 有翅亚纲 » 半翅目 » 蝉亚目 » 叶蝉科 »

学名:Angustuma rudorsuma
Body medium sized, color pattern of anterior dorsum, between male and female have not sexual dimorphism. Vertex with black marking on anterior margin. Pronotum orange, marked with black on anterior and posterior margin, and middle; scutellum orange, marked with black on both sides of the base angle. Frontoclypeus with black median longitudinal carina. Lorum without marking. Forewing brownish yellow, margin and veins black, end gray; hindwing gray.Head anteriorly conically produced, median length longer than width between eyes, narrower than pronotum. Eyes fairly large, ocelli on anterior margin, separated from corresponding eye by approximately their own diameter. Antennae arising near lower corner of eye. Pronotum broad, anterior margin strongly and roundly Male genitalia. Pygofer with elongate, slender, sinuate ventral process arising near base. Subgenital plate elongate, expanded medially, macrosetae irregularly distributed, rows of elongate setae near submargin. Aedeagus bulbous, aedeagal shaft in dorsal view gradually narrowed to truncate apex, ventral apophysis in lateral view broad and short, gonopore apical . Connective Y-shaped with stem longer than arms produced, posterior margin slightly concave. Scutellum triangular, about as long as pronotum, with transverse suture curved and depressed.Forewings with four apical cells, appendix very narrow.